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サイズ約 幅9×奥行11×高さ26.5(cm)






ネッシーは、イギリス、スコットランドのネス湖で目撃されたとされる、未確認動物「ネス湖の怪獣 」の通称。未確認動物の代表例として世界的に知られ、20世紀最大級のミステリーとして語られてきた。


The Loch Ness Monster, or “Nessie” as it is affectionately known, is a creature that has captivated the world’s imagination for centuries. With its long neck, humped back, and mysterious origins, the Nessie has become a cultural icon, inspiring countless books, movies, and TV shows.

Despite its popularity, the existence of Nessie remains a topic of debate among scientists and enthusiasts alike. While many believe that Nessie is a real creature, others argue that it is nothing more than a myth or a hoax.

In this article, we’ll delve into the history of Nessie, examine the evidence for and against its existence, and explore some of the most famous sightings of this elusive creature.

The Legend of Nessie

The legend of Nessie dates back centuries, with tales of a mysterious creature inhabiting the depths of Scotland’s Loch Ness. While the origins of the legend are unclear, it is believed that the first written account of Nessie dates back to the 6th century, when an Irish monk reportedly encountered a “water beast” in the river Ness.

Over the years, the legend of Nessie grew, with countless sightings and stories contributing to the creature’s mystique. In the 1930s, Nessie gained worldwide attention when a photograph of the creature taken by a London surgeon was published in a local newspaper. Since then, Nessie has been the subject of numerous investigations and expeditions, with scientists and enthusiasts alike hoping to uncover the truth about this elusive creature.

The Evidence for Nessie

Despite the many skeptics, there is some evidence to suggest that Nessie is a real creature. Here are some of the most compelling arguments in favor of the creature’s existence:

  • Sightings: Over the years, there have been thousands of reported sightings of Nessie, with many witnesses claiming to have seen the creature firsthand. While some of these sightings can be explained away as hoaxes or misidentifications, others are more difficult to dismiss.
  • Sonar Readings: In the 1970s, a team of scientists conducted a series of sonar scans of Loch Ness, detecting large, moving objects in the water that could not be explained by natural phenomena. While these readings could not definitively prove the existence of Nessie, they did provide some scientific support for the creature’s existence.
  • DNA Analysis: In 2018, a team of scientists conducted a DNA analysis of the water in Loch Ness, discovering evidence of several species that were not previously known to inhabit the lake. While this does not prove the existence of Nessie, it does suggest that there could be unknown creatures living in the Loch.

The Evidence against Nessie

While there is some evidence to suggest that Nessie could be a real creature, there are also many arguments against its existence. Here are some of the most common objections to the Nessie legend:

  • Lack of Physical Evidence: Despite the numerous sightings and expeditions, no one has ever found physical evidence of Nessie, such as bones or teeth. This has led many skeptics to argue that Nessie is nothing more than a myth or a hoax.
  • Hoaxes: Over the years, there have been numerous hoaxes and pranks involving Nessie, with many people creating fake sightings or photographs of the creature. These hoaxes have contributed to the skepticism surrounding the creature’s existence.
  • Misidentifications: Many of the reported sightings of Nessie can be explained away as misidentifications of known animals, such as otters, seals,

seagulls, and even logs floating in the water. Without conclusive evidence, it is impossible to determine whether these sightings are genuine or simply misidentifications.

Famous Sightings of Nessie

While there have been thousands of reported sightings of Nessie over the years, some are more famous than others. Here are a few of the most well-known sightings of this elusive creature:

  • The Surgeon’s Photograph: As mentioned earlier, the famous Surgeon’s Photograph, taken by Robert Kenneth Wilson in 1934, is perhaps the most iconic image of Nessie. While the photograph was later revealed to be a hoax, it remains a testament to the power of the Nessie legend.
  • The Dinsdale Film: In 1960, a man named Tim Dinsdale captured a film of what he believed to be Nessie swimming in Loch Ness. While the film has been subjected to much scrutiny over the years, it remains one of the most compelling pieces of evidence for the creature’s existence.
  • The Applecross Incident: In 1955, two men were driving along the shore of Loch Ness when they reportedly saw a large creature emerge from the water and cross the road in front of them. The men described the creature as having a long neck and a small head, and their account has become one of the most famous sightings of Nessie.

FAQs about Nessie

Q: Is Nessie a real creature?

A: The existence of Nessie remains a topic of debate among scientists and enthusiasts. While some believe that Nessie is a real creature, others argue that it is nothing more than a myth or a hoax.

Q: What is the most famous sighting of Nessie?

A: The most famous sighting of Nessie is perhaps the Surgeon’s Photograph, taken in 1934 by Robert Kenneth Wilson. While the photograph was later revealed to be a hoax, it remains a powerful image in the Nessie legend.

Q: Has anyone ever found physical evidence of Nessie?

A: Despite numerous expeditions and sightings, no one has ever found physical evidence of Nessie, such as bones or teeth.


The mystery of Nessie continues to captivate the world’s imagination, with countless sightings and investigations contributing to the creature’s mystique. While there is evidence to suggest that Nessie could be a real creature, there are also many arguments against its existence.

Whether Nessie is a real creature or simply a product of myth and legend, there is no denying its place in popular culture. The legend of Nessie is a testament to the power of the human imagination, inspiring countless stories, books, and films for generations to come.
